What Types of Education Can You Franchise | Be The Boss

What Types of Education Can You Franchise?

Rob Lancit


Jul 31, 2019

Education is great. It’s fun and important to learn and teaching others can be really rewarding. Rewarding in more of an emotional and spiritual sense, perhaps. Few people have got rich off of education. You don’t see too many kindergarten teachers driving Rolls Royces or college professors with a private yacht, do you? Money isn’t everything of course, but if you can make a good living off of education, why shouldn’t you? But can you? For example, can you franchise education?


Most education is provided by schools. It’s what they do. If you’re looking to run an education business, you can’t very well go to your state government and ask them if you can open up a new high school as a franchise. But of course, a lot of education takes place outside of schools. There are private tutors, summer camps, night schools, adult learning annexes, and other types of educational institutions. And it’s within these extracurricular educational businesses that you can buy and run a franchise.


Knowledge is power and that makes knowledge valuable. This makes education franchises very much in-demand. But you can’t just teach the same thing grammar schools or colleges are teaching. You need to offer an education that can supplement these more standard forms of education. You need to offer something people can’t get or didn’t get when they were in school. And if your education franchise is going to focus on just one or two subjects, the more you can streamline the process into a successful formula, the better you can replicate your teaching methods and thus transfer these methods to new franchisees and grow your brand.


What kind of education franchise opportunities are out there? Well, there are education franchises that specialize in teaching preschoolers. A lot of parents aren’t sure what to do with their toddlers before they get into school and they want them to learn to enjoy learning early on. Education franchises can do this. Education franchises can also help kids in school with after-school sessions. Lastly, don’t forget about adults. We never stop learning and there many successful education franchises that teach adults about how to market their business better, how to grow their brand, or something more personal, like how to code.


Some education franchises work with schools and other learning institutions. Do you remember when you were a child and every once in a while, some outside group would come to your school and give a performance, lesson, play, or demonstration in your auditorium or in your classroom? Well who do you think puts on those performances? Education franchises. There are opportunities to buy education franchises who do this, as well as education franchises who focus on one discipline, such as science. Such a franchise could visit different schools and demonstrate cool science experiments and projects.


To learn more about education franchises, please contact Be The Boss today. We can inform you of any and all education franchise opportunities in your area and help you decide if any of these opportunities are a good fit for you.