Founded in 1998 and franchising since 1999, Comfort Keepers® has been providing in-home care for seniors and other adults for over a decade.
Comfort Keepers is a recognized brand in the industry, with over 670 territories throughout North America.
Comfort Keepers franchise network has grown in size by double digit growth every year since 1998. A large percentage of growth generated is from successful franchisees purchasing additional territories. We offer protected territories for business penetration, and a strong commitment to cooperation between franchisees to build brand dominance.
This is a caring business. Comfort Keepers changes the lives of senior and their families every day.
The OpportunityThe need for senior care will continue to grow for decades.
With over a decade of franchise experience, we understand the support necessary that contribute to a successful franchisee.
Successful franchisees have a variety of backgrounds such as Healthcare, Technical, Sales, Finance, Homemaking, and Educating. The common denominators among successful franchisees are a willingness to actively sell and communicate Comfort Keepers’ services in the community and and aptitude for business. Some of the other characteristics include being a self-starter, being able to follow a proven system, good management skills, and goal oriented. You have the opportunity to generate tremendous change in your community by providing quality, loving, in-home care and potentially employing dozens of people.