For over 45 years, families across the country have counted on Interim HealthCare in their time of need. As the golden standard of our industry, we service over 65,000 people a day through over 300 offices nationwide.
But it's not only clients that count on us. It's three generations of franchisees who know what matters most...
...Being a part of the most established organization of its kind – one with the knowledge and expertise, accumulated over decades, that provided a solid foundation to put them in business.
...Having the confidence to soar into the future of their field – safely under the wing of a corporate headquarters with its finger right on the pulse of the ever-changing healthcare environment.
...Reaping the benefits of the most envied business development system in the homecare arena, a franchise support and marketing team – second to none, and a brand that is legendary.
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Whether you're a consumer or an entrepreneur ... When it matters most, count on us.