Your Turfscape Business:
• Addressing customers' needs with a flexible, scalable business model.
• Providing a solution to environmental concerns.
• Serving an untapped market with great growth potential
The market for synthetic grass has great potential for growth, and is within an industry that has no clear cut national leader, so when you join Turfscape, you'll be able to take charge in your community and be the go-to business for all their landscaping needs.
Synthetic grass for landscaping and recreation is already part of an immense industry - and it's growing 10% to 15% a year in the U.S.so now is the perfect time to become a Turfscape owner. You will have the benefit of being a member of a well known brand in the industry, with a reputation for quality products and services. And by having these top quality products direct shipped, you will save on overhead and storage costs. You can even start out as a mobile business and work from home.
• Addressing customers' needs with a flexible, scalable business model.
• Providing a solution to environmental concerns.
• Serving an untapped market with great growth potential
Landscaping contractors and service providers, as well as those new to the industry, find the Turfscape concept appealing and practical. It all stems from our years of experience and expertise in the industry and our vision toward the future.
As a Turfscape franchise owner, we ask for your commitment to providing great customer service and the utmost in quality installations. In exchange, you will have the full assistance and assurance of the Turfscape team and infrastructure.
It's all been designed to allow you, as a Turfscape franchise owner, to leverage the Turfscape brand as you offer the professional sale and installation of high quality synthetic landscape turf to businesses, municipalities, and residences within your protected territory - and ultimately grow your business into something you can truly be proud of!
This can all be yours to turn into reality when you qualify to join the Turfscape franchise program!