Marketing your franchise in 2025
As we gear up for another year, it is important to...
Child care franchises have gone from zero to sixty pretty darn quick. 25 years ago, there wasn’t much in the way of child care franchises. There were some pioneering child care franchises, of course, but mostly we just had day care centers and preschool or Montessori school type businesses. Some of these were franchised, but many were not. Now, the game has changed. Instead of just focusing on broad services like daycare and general education, many child care franchises have specialized and offer more focused services. Whether you’re more interested in delivering broad services to children or finding a niche, there’s a lot to be said for owning a child care franchise; here are five of the biggest benefits.
By owning a child care franchise, you get to work with kids! There are few sights more heartwarming than a smiling child and there are few jobs more rewarding than helping children. You get to establish a relationship with the children and their parents are often very appreciative. And by helping children develop, learn, and live happily, you’re helping to create a better future for everybody. Few other types of businesses can boast that.
There are over 70 million children in the United States today. This is a demographic that is often ignored (usually out of necessity) by many businesses. You can’t sell a car to a kid or convince them to hire you to clean their pool. That means you’re focusing on a 70-million strong demographic that other industries can’t touch. Of course, not all children will need any given service, but they’re plenty of children of each age group, race, cultural background, and economic status.
Child care franchises don’t sell luxury goods. Theirs is not a service that is nice to have every now and then, just as a treat. The people who purchase the services of child care franchise generally need those services. Parents want what’s best for their kids and they’ll do whatever takes to give them every advantage in life possible, whether that’s paying extra for tutoring, making sure that they’re safe and supervised, or just making sure they have fun.
Are you an artist or interested in promoting the arts? You can teach kids to harvest their creative powers. Are you a keen swimmer? Teach kids to swim. Love science? You can teach children science, complete with fun experiments and demonstrations. Are you a business major? Teach young people the foundations of business. With a child care franchise, you can do any of these and more.
It’s often beneficial to advertise your child care franchise, but frequently you benefit from a lot of word of mouth. If you do a good job teaching the older child, the parents will bring in their younger child. You’ll also get the business of the friends of those kids and their friends. With a well-run child care franchise, your business can increase exponentially in this way.
To learn more about child care franchises, please contact us.