She is an industry leader in researching, writing and validating franchisee-franchisor psychographic assessment tools. She is inventor of the Proven Match system and Zoracle’s SpotOn! meta-analysis approach.
She has been involved in the franchising for 23 years. She has written numerous whitepapers, case studies and articles on the psychology of performance, systemic influence on franchisee performance, cultural compatibility, social intelligence, franchisors stages of growth, the science of interdependency, and values-based recruiting. She has been a guest on several radio and television shows and contributor to magazines, panels and boards on topics specific to franchisee selection.
Her assessment tools are the foundation of strategic growth plans for numerous franchise companies. She is committed to helping franchise companies select a better quality candidate, increase franchisee validation, retain and replicate top producers, reduce support costs and increase profitability.
Rebecca Monet's Recent Articles

Lessons in Franchising by Aesop

Can A Big Ship Be Turned?

The Empire Rules Unchallenged

Join the Plug n’ Play Revolution

Franchisee-Franchisor Fit Matters