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A woman can successfully own and operate any franchise she wants. But this doesn’t mean that every franchise is equally suited to both sexes. Here are six of the top franchises for women.
1. People often find dealing with women a more calming, soothing, and enjoyable experience than dealing with men. For this reason, many women excel with health-based franchises.
Entire papers have been written on why women are often found to be more comforting. Women often do better than men in running a health services franchise, either because of their demeanor, they’re seen to be more trustworthy, or they can empathize with their clients more, which makes health franchises some of the top franchises for women.
2. For many of the same reasons that make health franchises a top franchise for women, women also often excel in the senior care sector.
Senior care requires deftness, empathy, and patience. These are not qualities we always associate with men. Senior care franchises are among the top franchises for women because seniors and their families are often more comfortable dealing with women.
3. For women with business acumen, a business services franchise might be the top franchise they could buy.
The reason why a “top franchises for women” list even exists is because the business world, like the world in general, has not been, and still is not, always fair to women. For decades women have been discouraged from participating in business, but thankfully things in 2020 are different. While more work towards equality needs to be done in the business world, business franchises are becoming some of the top choices for women.
4. Specifically, business consulting franchises are among the top options for women.
Perhaps no area of business has seen such success for women as business consulting. By specializing in something like outsourcing, franchise growth models, or networking, women can run consulting franchises that become indispensable to the success of other businesses.
5. Staffing businesses are among the top franchises for women because there’s a low barrier to entry.
Staffing franchises are both among the top franchises for women and the top low-cost franchises. Not all women have a lot of money to invest in a franchise.
6. Children’s education franchises are among the best for women because women are often seen to possess the necessary skills needed to excel in the field.
A woman could successfully run an automotive franchise, a construction franchise, or a handyman franchise. But if you don’t have a passion for any particular industry, children’s education franchises are often some of the top choices for women because women have long dominated the realm of child education.
To learn more about the top franchises for women, please contact us.