Balancing Your Personal and Franchise Lives | Be The Boss

Balancing Your Personal and Franchise Lives

Rob Lancit


Nov 28, 2015

You've done all your homework on the franchise you want, and you’ve even found a great location. Have you considered how you're going to balance your new work life and your personal one? Just being successful at your new venture isn't going to be enough; you'll also want a happy personal life.

In order for this to happen, you'll have to learn how to balance both lives, so check out the following tips to help get you on the level.

Prioritize, and stick to it:

Decide what you can't give up and find ways to make sure you don't have to do so. For example, if your kid's soccer games are a no-miss and you've got a relief employee who is running late, think of way to cover the shift gap so you still get to the bleachers on time. Once you've got your priorities set, stick to your decisions. Once you start breaking the rules you've set for yourself, it will become easier and easier to continue breaking them.

Get the family involved:

A lot of people get into running their own franchise business to spend more time with family, but the truth is that being your own boss might eat up even more time than your previous job did. This is especially true in the beginning.

Get your family involved in your business whenever you can. This approach prevents you from having to choose between work and family, provides bonding time, and gives everyone a chance to work toward success together.

Put in hiring time:

Hiring well makes your work-life balance easier by the simple virtue of having people you can rely on in your franchise business. With a solid staff, you'll be able to take a few days off or even go on vacation without having to worry about the wheels falling off the cart at your location. Remember to hire for your weaknesses; having staff members who are good at what you're not will round out your location well.

Balancing your work and personal life isn't always going to be easy, and unexpected things will happen. However, with some careful planning and forethought, you can achieve the work and family life you've always wanted.