Effective Training Tips for Your Franchise Manager
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The most common financing option available for franchises using equipment leasing is a capital lease. The main purpose of a capital lease is to finance the equipment purchase while preserving the owner’s working capital. Franchisees can finance the purchase of their proprietary equipment, security systems, computer hardware & software, flooring, outdoor signage and other tangible items needed to run the business using an equipment lease. The owner(s) are required to personally guarantee equipment lease.
The following are 4 key benefits to your business of leasing equipment:
The manufacturers of nearly all equipment that is costly will offer equipment leasing. The leases are usually capital leases, so the equipment will be owned by the business at the end of the lease term. The typical lease for a start-up business will require a 20% down payment and repayment term will be 36 months. The typical terms of an equipment lease for an existing company is a down payment that will range from a lease payment up to 20% of the amount financed. Lease documentation fees may range from $95 to $495. Repayment terms typically range from 12 months up to 60 months. All payments made are tax deductible, so the payments will lower business’s taxable income and, in turn, tax liability. Since the plan is to keep their equipment long term, a typical capital lease offers a $1.00 end of term purchase option.
Ultimately, a few simple rules of thumb will help you decide to lease or buy. If your equipment requirements are relatively small and you have the money or can get a low-interest loan, then buy the equipment. If you require a substantial amount of equipment, why tie up a large amount of cash especially when you could use that same money to grow your business? In short, an equipment lease is used to finance the purchase of all equipment needed to manage the franchise; thus, preserving the franchisee’s working capital.