Entrepreneurs by nature have different DNA.
They are driven by a belief in themselves, a vision for success,
and outside-the-box thinking.
What characteristics do entrepreneurs have in common? How do
those traits come into play when securing business financing? What
is it that makes successful
entrepreneurs thrive? Here is a closer look.
The Case for Effectual Reasoning
Saras Sarasvathy conducted pioneering
research on entrepreneurs. Traveling the country, she met
30 company founders to discover how they took an idea from concept
to practical success.
Sarasvathy recorded the leaders’ responses to a 10-question,
17-page problem set. Analyzing the results, the researcher found
that entrepreneurs often act quite differently from their business
school counterparts.
In MBA programs, students are taught causal reasoning. Under
that doctrine, with a pre-determined goal and given resources,
business leaders make decisions that optimize speed, efficiency, or
economic production. They make choices about where to allocate
limited budgets to marketing versus production versus R&D.
Entrepreneurs do think differently, Sarasvathy found. They use
effectual reasoning, which does not begin with a specific goal.
Instead, they are given a set of resources and allow goals to
emerge over time. Imagination and aspiration drive them.
Those resources begin with three assets:
- Who they are, including abilities, tastes, and traits
- What they know, including education, experience, expertise, and
- Whom they know from their professional and personal
These assets are why entrepreneurial companies are so often tied
to the talents, drive, and vision of the founder. They often do not
use traditional market analyses but bring products, or concepts of
products, to the nearest possible customer to gain insights.
They look to build strategic partnerships with other businesses
or customers from the onset. They leverage contingencies –
opportunities – by turning happenstances or chance encounters into
Different Mindsets
Entrepreneurs take a different approach to problems, see
opportunities where others see obstacles, and have a persistent
approach to business. Here are a few of the ways entrepreneurs
approach business from a different perspective.
- Obstacles as Opportunities. Entrepreneurs take a
challenge, whether it is known going into a business or emerges as
a business evolves, to make their companies even stronger. They see
obstacles as merely part of doing business, believing that when
those barriers are overcome, their employees will be stronger,
their messages and solutions more proven, and their company better
for having experienced the adversity.
- An Intense Focus. Time and focus are extremely limited
resources that can quickly dissipate over the course of
the day, week, or year. Successful entrepreneurs tend to be
highly organized, able to map out a plan and stick to the most
pressing tasks to drive productivity and results. It means not
taking meetings that will distract from the business at hand and
not being sidetracked by a new, bright, and shiny object that takes
away from a focus on the core.
- Money Used To Make Money. Entrepreneurs take a long-term
view when it comes to financials. They see a sudden gain in revenue
or profits, either via more sales or reductions in operating
expenses, as a chance to reinvest and leverage. They find the
smartest use for the monetary gain that will benefit the business
in the short- or long-term.
- Realistic Positivity. Successful business owners are
pragmatic, weighing the hard facts, collecting and using data, and
making the best-informed guesses about unknowns before acting. Yet
in addition to this methodology, they also are generally optimists,
focused on positive outcomes and remaining hopeful during good
times and challenging periods. They calculate the opportunity cost
of not taking a particular path and move forward after careful
analysis and timely pivots.
- Ingrained in Growth. Entrepreneurs are not content with
the status quo. They look for new opportunities at every turn,
realizing that these opportunities will require them and their
teams to stretch, learn new skills, and recruit talent necessary
for success.
- Visionary Mindset. Good business owners will create a
business plan that articulates a vision for their business. They
understand that their products or services need to meet a need or
solve a problem for their customers. If they are mocked for that
vision, they tend to stick to their guns and take rejection in
- No Excuse for Excuses. Success means not tolerating
excuses. It means not running away from problems but instead
addressing them head on and as quickly as possible. Doing so allows
an entrepreneur to move on quickly, not dwell on the problem, but
also learn from it.
- The Questions Are the Answer. Entrepreneurs need to act
like dogged investigative reporters. They need to be asking
questions constantly of customers, advisors, suppliers, employees,
and competitors. That means knowing the right questions to ask, not
only of others but also one’s self. Here are a few good questions
to ask:
- What problem am I looking to solve?
- How will my idea benefit my customers and society?
- Who is going to buy this product or service and why?
- Am I learning from my mistakes?
- Does my product or service stand out?
- Failure Is a Learning Opportunity. Entrepreneurs who
ultimately are successful have taken failures as valuable learning
opportunities. Failures are a chance to grow, learn what not to do,
and adjust procedures, policies, or processes to ensure that the
failure does not happen again.
- Perfection Is a Flaw. Just as failure is an opportunity,
perfection is a flaw. It is unrealistic to expect that the business
and everything about it will be perfect. Expecting that of yourself
or your employees can only lead to frustration and disappointment.
Forgive yourself and others for mistakes and move on. Perfect can
even stall progress if an entrepreneur spends too much time
sweating the small stuff that does not truly matter.
- Competition Equals Research. Every entrepreneur will
have competitors. However, those competitors do not need to be
perceived as threats. Instead, entrepreneurs should see competitors
as a chance to learn about best practices, the industry, and the
market. Looking at a competitors’ business model helps you refine
your own and see what is unique, which allows you to adjust your
marketing to highlight the differences.
- Effort Begets Success. Entrepreneurs are keenly aware
that everything about the business requires effort. Whether it is
making sales pitches, securing business funding, or developing new
products, the entrepreneur knows that hard work and commitment are
essential. Shortcuts are helpful, but sometimes there is a need to
roll up the sleeves and work hard to achieve success.
- Outside Perspective. No one has all the answers and
successful entrepreneurs know this. They find and use a trusted
team of advisors to help them gain the proper perspective and
insight into the business. These advisors should be people who will
speak candidly and honestly about the business plan, the marketing
approach, the product, and the entrepreneur’s leadership. The smart
entrepreneur takes in all this feedback and uses it wisely.
- Lifestyle Choice. It is important to maintain a balance,
whether you are an entrepreneur or not. There will be times when
the entrepreneurial life is consuming excessive amounts of time,
energy, commitment, and willpower. This means that the entrepreneur
and those close to him or her need to be aware of the commitment
and challenges that go into this lifestyle.
- Negativity, Drama, and Falsehoods Do Not Help. There is
a famous saying that negative people always have a problem for
every solution. You do not need negativity in your business, but
constructive criticism is a good thing. An entrepreneur needs to
learn the difference between the two. Overly dramatic, negative, or
insincere people have no place in the organization, whether you are
starting up or growing.
- Creativity Is Crucial. Successful entrepreneurs think
creatively. It allows the business owner to explore new product
ideas, business processes, and markets. Creative people identify
patterns where others may only see data points. Strong creativity
encourages the entrepreneur to experiment and build on the