Effective Training Tips for Your Franchise Manager
franchise manager can make or break your franchise's...
Selling a franchise is an exciting accomplishment for any franchisor. Yet what is even more exciting is actually seeing your hard work come to fruition when your franchisees open their doors for business. One of the best ways to celebrate this major milestone is by holding a grand opening event. A grand opening represents a chance for your locations to make their debut and introduce their brand to their local communities.
The grand opening usually takes place about six weeks after the franchise has its soft open, which happens when they open for business to the public. The six-week time frame gives franchisees a chance to perfect their operations, figure out customer flow, and otherwise get used to the course of business and effectively meeting customer needs before the grand opening event.
While every industry will have different specific strategies, there are some unifying underlying themes with regard to the grand opening. Grand opening efforts should ideally generate media coverage and public awareness for every new location. The overall goal for any grand opening program is to create an “event” in every community the franchise enters.
To accomplish this, your franchisees must leverage local community attendance and involvement, civic leadership awareness, pre-existing customers, media/blogger participation, and television, print and radio media coverage, as well as heavily engage in digital marketing tactics to promote the grand opening of your franchisee’s new location. Specific grand opening strategies include:
Most importantly, don’t let anyone leave empty-handed. The call to action should be to always get guests to return as customers. Franchisees that have a rewards program should get as many guests signed up as possible, and capture their emails and/or cell phone numbers. Franchisees should also provide all guests with coupons that must be redeemed within the near future, say two weeks or so. Consider programs that would allow grand opening attendees discounts or other incentives for the first full year you are open. This will bring people back into the location, and hopefully they will make the business a part of their routine.
For assistance creating a customized grand opening strategy that is right for your business, contact our expert franchise consultants today, or click here.