Five ways to make your franchise more efficient
Times are tough, and businesses must find ways to...
Pat asks: Just beginning my search and I am looking to find a business I can be passionate about. Everyone tells me to “follow my passion”. Is this good advice?
As an entrepreneur & coach specializing in helping people find great businesses to invest in, I find lots of people having that exact question – they want to feel excited about a business, and get confused where “passion” really fits in.
Unfortunately, it’s easy to make the common mistake of looking for a product they can be passionate about, and it costs many people their dream of business ownership. Very often the folks I assist know they are passionate about independence, financial self-sufficiency, control and getting their life back, but then go out and search for a singular product or service they think they will be passionate about. After looking at a half dozen companies and not flipping head over heels about the product or service, they throw in the towel and determine there is not a business out there for them.
The reality is that there is no scientific research that proves success is dependent on some pre-existing passion for a product or service. In fact, passion does not even come before success – passion follows success. The more successful you are, the more passionate you get about what you are doing.
So where exactly does passion for the product fit in – well, you want to be sure you are passionate about solving the problem that exists around your product or service, and your ability to solve that problem! Passionate about doing a stellar job, about relationships, about playing you’re a-game and the clients you serve. This drive, coupled with your deep desire to be independent of a boss (and the grind),can make anyone successful in a business that is suited around your strengths and comes with all the systems figured out.
When these things all come together, it’s a beautiful thing, and it’s happening every day. In fact, a new franchise unit opens up every 8 minutes of every business day! Something must be working!
Here’s to your success! Mariel, The Franchise Advisor