Franchising For The Modern World | | Be The Boss

Franchising for the modern world

It is easy to think that franchising is for an entrepreneur, a second-time businessperson or as a side hustle for a stay-at home-parent. However, franchising is actually a perfect opportunity for people in Gen Z.

Recent graduates have so many opportunities open to them these days. They have grown up in the era of the internet and are curious and innovative in the way that they approach problems and develop solutions. They have a modern mindset, understand the global threats that we face, and work well as a team.

In some ways, franchisors would be wise to target their advertising to attract this new cadre of young professionals. Here is a look at how the skills that Gen Z bring to the table place them in an excellent position to pursue a career in franchising.


They have fresh ideas

If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten. For large, successful corporations, this might be good enough, but if you truly scrutinize the bottom line, are you happy? Could profits be better? Could engagement be improved?

Attracting a modern entrant could be just what your business needs to shake it up a little and find a novel way of doing business that will see profits rocket and engagement soar.


They are tech savvy

You have a website and social media feeds, and you may even use an AI chatbot to direct your customers to a solution to their problems. But are you actively seeking out new customers through the mediums that they use? Are your blogs and vlogs getting the attention that they should?

Gen Z entrepreneurs know intrinsically how the internet works. They understand how to target the messaging for maximum impact and could contribute to the global success of your brand - if you let them.


They are community-minded

Growing up in an era where efforts are always rewarded means that those in Gen Z are good team players. They understand the importance of contributing and seeking the contributions of others. They embrace a diverse workforce and embody inclusivity.

They are also well aware of political, economic and social instabilities and wish to improve the situation for the next generation. They understand global warming, and with their connectedness, they are ideally placed to develop solutions that will not only improve the reach of a brand but also its reputation.

These are just some of the reasons a franchisor that wants to succeed or expand its reach should consider targeting recent graduates, offering incentives and helping them become franchisees. The effort that you put in now could be repaid in spades, so it is surely worth considering.